UX & Conversion Rate Optimization

We develop hypotheses that will remove the obstacles to your visitors' conversion into customers and test their accuracy with data-based methods.

Usability Tests

How do users interact with your product? What are the obstacles in the conversion path? We answer these questions as a result of our tests with real users. We conduct usability tests to identify bottlenecks in the sales funnel that prevent your visitors from turning into customers and to provide a better experience for your users. We monitor the behavior of real users and report them in an actionable report by using UX test methods suitable for the flows and product features we want to test.

A/B, Split or Multivariate Testing

In order to optimize the conversion funnel, we identify the problems that negatively affect the user experience and conversion rate, based on the data we obtained from usability tests and measurement tools. In order to solve these problems, we produce development suggestions and hypotheses regarding design and content. Before implementing the developed solutions, we conduct tests with data-based methods. According to the findings obtained from methods such as A/B testing and split testing, we identify and implement solutions that will improve the conversion funnel.

Landing Page Design

Landing pages are one of the most important pillars of customer acquisition processes. The better the landing page, to which ads or other traffic sources are directed, performs well in terms of conversion optimization and user experience, the higher the number of customers we will get. We increase the customer acquisition rate of our business partners with the landing page solutions that we design according to the principles of conversion optimization and undertake the software development and content production processes. To convert your visitors into customers, we develop landing pages with high page speed, compatible with all devices and complying with SEO rules. In the continuation of the landing page development process, we measure the performance and continue to improve it continuously with usability tests and conversion optimization methods.

Glocalzone Dijital Reklam Ajansı Catalysor

We lowered Glocalzone's cost per app install by 42%.

We accelerated the growth process of Glocalzone with the user acquisition strategy we developed. While the mobile app download cost (CPI) decreased by 22%, we gained 53% more active members with the same marketing budget.
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